3 Simple Homemade Beer Recipe Ideas

To brew beer is generally easy. It is only necessary to find a very large pot, preferably enameled, and to have malt and hops. However, the latter is sometimes replaced by yeast.



This is the ingredient that creates beer itself. If you drink a beverage without malt, it will be a mash, mead, wine or kvass. Anything, but not the beer.

Malt may be produced from any grain. There can be rye, barley, and wheat malt. To obtain malt, grain is being germinated first and then being dried and milled.


We use only bumps of this climbing plant to brew the beer. Hop gives the beer a specific, bitter taste. Hop participates in beverage clarification, in the formation of solid foam.

Hop is sold dry, it can be bought in pharmacies, in markets or in shops – it is included in the kits for brewing. When you choose hop pay attention to the color, it should be yellow-green. Grayish hop is unripe and red hop usually is overripe.


Beer is best to make in a glass cookware. You can use an enamel pan, but without chipping. Dishes from stainless steel will also be a good choice. But don’t place beer in plastic containers.

Dishes should be slightly more spacious than beer because it needs a place to ferment.

Dark Beer

1 pound of a grain mixture (wheat, rye, barley, and oats)

1 ounce of chicory

4 cups of sugar

2 ounces of dried hops

Zest from 1 lemon

2.5 gallons of water

Step 1. Fry grain in a frying pan until becomes brown, grind it in a coffee grinder.

Step 2: Add chicory to the grain and boil it all in one-third of the water.

Step 3. Then pour the remaining water, add sugar, hops, and zest. Then stop boiling.

Step 4. Leave it for a few hours, then strain infusion through cheesecloth, pour into bottles and put in a cool place.

Mint Beer

1 mint beam

0.8 gallons of water

3 cups of sugar

Yeast stick

1 bag of vanilla sugar

Black bread crust

Step 1. Put mint in boiling water, cover the pan with a tight lid and leave for 1 hour.

Step 2. In the meantime, add sugar to the yeast to wait some time.

Step 3: Strain infusion, add sugar, a crust of bread, and yeast.

Step 4. Put for fermentation. When on the surface will appear foam, add the vanilla sugar, bottle and store it.

Honey Beer

For this recipe, you will need some kind of a container from which can continuously pour hot water. The Large electric kettle is most convenient because it does not cool the boiling water.

3 cups of rye malt

2 cups of honey

3 ounces of hop

1.5 yeast sticks

1 tbsp. of sugar

2.5 gallons of boiling water

Step 1. Grind malt, rub it with hops very carefully and put in a linen bag. Add a spoon of sugar to the yeast and leave it.

Step 2. Put honey in a large saucepan. Place on a table cattle with boiling water. Water should flow through the bag into the pot with malt. While it is being poured, malt must always be stirred.

Step 3. When the required amount of water will fall into the pot, you need to mix everything, give the liquid a time to cool and put yeast in the infusion.

Step 4: Wait until all yeast will fall down, and then pour the beer into bottles, put it in a dark place. Withstand it for 3-4 days and you can drink honey beer.